Survivalcraft IPA [iPhone/iPad Download]
This is the twenty second release of Survivalcraft, and it adds horseriding! A large number of new animals have been introduced, such as sharks, rays, piranhas or camels, and their AI is much improved. There are new electric blocks that will make building electric devices easier. You can even drive cattle between pastures using just a whistle and a saddled horse. There are many different colors of horses roaming the lands.
This is the biggest update yet, dwarfing even 1.19, and took over two months to put together. Enjoy!
This is the biggest update yet, dwarfing even 1.19, and took over two months to put together. Enjoy!
Updates history:
- 1.0 (initial release, 16 Nov 2011)
- 1.1 (screenshots, torches, lamps, tools, controls sensitivity, recipaedia)
- 1.2 (sneaking, stairs, slabs, doors, ladders, snow, ice, christmas tree)
- 1.3 (basalt, limestone, marble, furnace)
- 1.4 (new world format, clay, bricks)
- 1.5 (birds, weapons, throwing, food, eating)
- 1.6 (emergency bugfix release)
- 1.7 (trapdoors, water animations, snowballs, traps, wildboars, game modes)
- 1.8 (buckets, water physics, magma, world properties, view angles)
- 1.9 (Dropbox, fences, upside-down stairs and slabs)
- 1.10 (optimizations, bulls, signs, sulphur, saltpeter, adventure mode)
- 1.11 (explosives, fire, matches, magma as fluid)
- 1.12 (wolves, cows, milk, diamonds, flat terrain, controls improvements)
- 1.13 (creature spawners, eggs, saplings, compass, thermometer, grass spreading)
- 1.14 (emergency bugfix release, hygrometer, sharper text)
- 1.15 (big performance improvements, bears, machetes, adventure restart, cacti)
- 1.16 (smoother framerate, polar bears, paint, falling blocks, environment modes)
- 1.17 (3rd person view, 3d tools, creature shadows, physics optimizations)
- 1.18 (rain, snow, thunderstorms, thawing/freezing, werewolves, pumpkins)
- 1.19 (electricity, new UI, new recipaedia, new help, germanium + lots more)
- 1.20 (community content, better caves, creative options, SD card)
- 1.21 (fish, horseriding, electricity improvements, camels, leather + lots more)
- 1.0 (initial release, 16 Nov 2011)
- 1.1 (screenshots, torches, lamps, tools, controls sensitivity, recipaedia)
- 1.2 (sneaking, stairs, slabs, doors, ladders, snow, ice, christmas tree)
- 1.3 (basalt, limestone, marble, furnace)
- 1.4 (new world format, clay, bricks)
- 1.5 (birds, weapons, throwing, food, eating)
- 1.6 (emergency bugfix release)
- 1.7 (trapdoors, water animations, snowballs, traps, wildboars, game modes)
- 1.8 (buckets, water physics, magma, world properties, view angles)
- 1.9 (Dropbox, fences, upside-down stairs and slabs)
- 1.10 (optimizations, bulls, signs, sulphur, saltpeter, adventure mode)
- 1.11 (explosives, fire, matches, magma as fluid)
- 1.12 (wolves, cows, milk, diamonds, flat terrain, controls improvements)
- 1.13 (creature spawners, eggs, saplings, compass, thermometer, grass spreading)
- 1.14 (emergency bugfix release, hygrometer, sharper text)
- 1.15 (big performance improvements, bears, machetes, adventure restart, cacti)
- 1.16 (smoother framerate, polar bears, paint, falling blocks, environment modes)
- 1.17 (3rd person view, 3d tools, creature shadows, physics optimizations)
- 1.18 (rain, snow, thunderstorms, thawing/freezing, werewolves, pumpkins)
- 1.19 (electricity, new UI, new recipaedia, new help, germanium + lots more)
- 1.20 (community content, better caves, creative options, SD card)
- 1.21 (fish, horseriding, electricity improvements, camels, leather + lots more)
Survivalcraft IPA [iPhone/iPad Download]
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